Friday, December 31, 2010

Fronted By Love

So, 2010, I’m trying not to ponder life so linearly, and here you are challenging me to think chronologically. Well, the world is not chronological. Yes, we all “see” chronology on a clock, but there are still the billions of perceptions of time that affect even the linear perception! Anyhow, whatever 2010. I love you. You’re a big deal to me. Especially since you shared with me:
  • The death of my mother in February. The most profound sense of loss I’ve ever felt. But, the silver lining is all of her light being released to the Universe. She lives in you, she lives in me.
  • Quitting teaching, a profession I’ve had a love/hate relationship with for nearly 20 years. Who needs hate in their life? Time for something different.
  • Living in Guatemala for nine weeks. Simply, one of the best learning experiences of my life. I will always look upon that time and the people I met there with incredible nostalgia.
  • Establishing a relationship with God/Goddess/The Universe/InsertNameHere. As a lifelong agnostic/atheist, this is rather significant. This has been clearly marked by the death of my mother and I continue to learn what it means to me. Still, in spite of being unemployed and without health insurance and unsure what 2011 holds, I have an inner peace that’s always been missing from my life. I’m not claiming to know much on a higher power and I’m still wary of the motives of organized religion, but I’m wholly convinced that God = Love. No room for judgment or fear. Just a simple mantra to approach everything in life from the side of love, and it’ll make the world/my world a better place. Whether to believe in the external power of prayer or not, the conscious act of sending love out makes me feel better. So I’m trying to be more conscious of it and more regular in my actions. Here are my hot prayer topics for 2011:
    • Clean water for everyone--check out
    • Women’s rights, gay rights, animal rights--the more respect we have for our fellow earthlings, the less fear there will be
    • Finding sustainable, clean energy to power us all
    • Peace on earth--there’s a lot to be said for making love and not war and we have to believe it’s possible
There you go, 2011. I have faith in your possibilities.

That’s where we’re going
That’s what we’re doing
That’s how we’re feeling
Fronted by love